We are very thankful for the generosity of all those who give financially to support the mission and ministry of All Saints Ecclesall.

The Bible teaches us about the giving of our time, talents and treasure (money) as part of our discipleship and walk with the Lord Jesus.

Having financial resources enables All Saints to bless our community, run or support many projects and events and at the same time, fund the day to day running of our church. 

We are grateful for both One-off gifts (donations) and Regular Giving.  

Regular Giving: Please set up a standing order directly through your bank

A regular monthly gift helps us to plan ahead. To set up or amend a standing order, log in to your online banking or visit your local branch with the church’s bank account details. Please set up with a date between the 1st and 25th of the month.

Name: Ecclesall PCC    

Sort Code: 05-08-53

Account: 20116699

Reference: Your own name

One-off gifts (donations):  These can be made electronically in two ways:

  • Make a bank transfer

Use the bank details shown above – with a reference of your name (This method ensures we receive your donation in full with no charges applied.)

  • Give online via Debit/Credit Card

Giving at Services or events in Church

You can give through cash or cheques (placed in one of our envelopes) or by card using the contactless giving machine.

Please make any cheques payable to Ecclesall PCC.

Gift Aid envelopes are available if you would like us to gift aid.

If you are UK tax payer, completing a gift aid declaration will allow us to claim an additional 25p for every £1 you give. You can download a gift aid declaration form below.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about giving to the work of All Saints Ecclesall, please complete the form below and a member of the team will be in touch.

Charity Registration Number: 1128859
Charity Name: The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Ecclesall, Sheffield