Part of our calling is to share our faith with Ecclesall and beyond.
Our starting point for mission is the Great Commission from Jesus.
"Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples." Matthew 28:19
He added: “When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8
As a church family we support Christian work in Sheffield, the UK and in many parts of the world through financial giving and prayer. We support those who go out to teach and help other groups, and those who serve people of any race or religion who are in need through sickness or natural disaster.
To get involved with these organisations or for more information, contact: Simon Musgrave on
Tanzania Mission Partnership - Annual Report
As a follow on from Roland’s recent trip and evening with church members, the annual report from our partners in Tanzania is now available!
The report shares encouraging personal stories and explains clearly how our sponsorship money is actually used…
Read the Annual Report from our Partners in Kilimanjaro Here
Mission Sunday
In 2024 we are focusing on ‘Stories from Sheffield’ as we explore how Christian Mission is worked out in our city by three inspiring organisations.
Mission Support Group
The MSG works alongside the PCC to keep in touch with our mission partners and make recommendations as to the allocation of funds. They also take requests for financial support towards short term mission activities.
We support the work of relief organisations Tearfund and Christian Aid as well as Grace Food Bank locally. We have particular support relationships with the following:
Tim and Miranda
Tim and Miranda, and their daughters Keziah and Manu, have been our Church Mission Society (CMS) link partners for a number of years.
They live in Spain, and support mission workers to grow effective teams and ministries in North Africa by providing seminars, guided debriefs, creative & spiritual retreats and group & individual spiritual guidance.
They are passionate to help people connect with God through nature and creativity.
David & Helen
David and Helen live in a multi-cultural area of Manchester; they have two young children, Daniel and Amy. They recently spent two years in an Asian country, learning the culture and language. David works through their church and coaches young people in sports, Helen is doing a counselling course and has a ministry with women of other faiths, David comes from Sheffield and they work with Serving in Mission.
Janet, who grew up in this parish, works as a University lecturer in East Asia. Less than 1% of the population where she works are Christian. She supports her local church helping with small group training and resourcing. She aims to encourage and mentor believers. She has a long-standing ministry with Christian students; teaching, supporting and discipling them.
Aanandit Church and Charity Centre in Kathmandu.
Milan and Shusma are church leaders and Shusma heads the Charity Centre work, which includes scholarships to enable young people to go to school, helps widows and single mothers, provides day care for young children whose parents are out at work. They organise a fun club, football and dancing clubs, hold English classes and provide discipleship training and small loans to enable the setting up of businesses which will support families.
Christians and Sheffield Schools (CaSS)
CaSS is an interdenominational organisation working to connect, encourage and resource Christians, churches and schools across Sheffield. CaSS employs a part-time worker for 20 hours a week who supports schools, pupils and staff, organises an annual conference for children’s ministry workers across the region and has recently established a chaplaincy course.
The Oakes Holiday Centre, Norton
The Oaks provides fun, action packed camps to allow young people the opportunity to hear the Christian message in a clear, exciting and relevant way. The talks are direct and challenging, but at no time are the children/young people pressurised to make a response. The camps endeavour to encourage existing young Christians. They also offer camps for schools which complement the RE curricula.
TASTE is a small Sheffield based Christian charity raising funds to put clean safe water and sanitation into areas of rural Nigeria, through the use of appropriate and sustainable technology. They work through their own Nigerian drilling team who are responsible for the construction of community boreholes and appropriate sanitation facilities, and who provide teaching on basic hygiene principles.
Connected Church Partnership Tanzania
This is a partnership between the Diocese of Kilimanjaro, Tearfund, and All Saints Ecclesall. We fund the Church and Community Mobilisation Programme (CCMP) which is facilitated by Tearfund. This programme trains and equips local churches in the rural area of Babati to break the cycle of poverty in their communities by equipping them with the tools, knowledge and skills to overcome their daily challenges.
St.Michael's in Buenos Aires
ASE is linked through the Partners in World Mission programme. We donate to their Social Action programme concentrated on a gathering for mothers and children from a neighbouring shantytown involving a service, meal, access to a trained paediatrician, medical prescription service at a reduced price together with children activities, practical skills training for the mothers and a food parcel to take home.
Galeed House
Galeed House in Darnall is a meeting place for men, women and children of different backgrounds, especially Muslims and Christians, who live in a less prosperous part of Sheffield; here relationships can be built in trust, barriers broken down and misunderstandings overcome. Galled House holds activities such as English classes, ladies’ sewing, men’s discussions, computer classes, Children’s clubs, trips and shared meals.
Mosaic Middle East
Mosaic Middle East improves the lives of thousands of vulnerable and persecuted people in Iraq and Jordan. They provide vital emergency relief, but also help through sustainable development and centres of empowerment. They work to bridge the sectarian divide through interfaith dialogue and by providing emergency relief to those who have been driven apart by war. It supports St George's church, Baghdad and the clinic held there.
A Rocha
A Rocha is a Christian international conservation organisation working to show God’s love for all creation. Underlying all is a biblical faith in the living God, who made the world, loves it and entrusts it to the care of human society. Practical conservation projects are a priority. It runs environmental education programmes for people of all ages and draws on the insights and skills of people from diverse cultures locally and around the world.