September 26 - 6pm - Convictions - Prayer
Acts 16: 25-34
Philippians 4: 2-6
September 26 - 9.15am - Convictions - Prayer
Philiuppians 4: 1-6
Matthew 6: 5- 15
September 19 - 6pm - Convictions - Evangelism
Luke 10: 1-7
August 22 - 9.15am - Parables - The Good Samaritan
Romans 12: 9-18
Luke 10: 25-37
July 25 - 9.15am - Seven Sacred Spaces - The Church
Ephesians 4: 1-16
Mark 12: 28-34
July 11 - 9.15am - Seven Sacred Spaces - Refectory
Revelation 3: 20
John 6: 1-14
June 20 - 9.15am - Seven Sacred Spaces - Chapter
Colossians 3: 8-15
Matthew 18: 15-20