9 October - 6pm - The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity - Amos
Amos: 1: 1-2; 2: 4-8; 5: 21-24; 4: 7-9; 5: 4-6 and 14-15; 9: 13-15
9 October - 11am - The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity - Harvest Sunday
Acts 14: 15-17
9 October - 9.15am - The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity - Harvest Sunday
Psalm 34
Matthew 9: 35-38
2 October - 6pm - The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity - Vocation
Luke 5: 27-32
John 15: 9-17
2 October - 11am - The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity - Vocation
Genesis 2: 4-15
Colossians 3: 12-17
2 October - 9.15am - The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity - Vocation
1 Kings 19: 1-13
John 21: 1-19
25 September - 6pm - The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity - Baptism and Confirmation
1 John 4: 7-19
John 3: 16-21