Lent, Holy Week & Easter 2025

Reflections on our Lent Imagery, Week One, The Icon of Friendship

9th March, 5.40pm & 10th March, 4.00pm

This year, our Lenten offering is enhanced with reflection upon some famous pieces of Art. Join us in the Chancel area for a short reflection led by Mark Brown, this week upon The Icon of Friendship.

Reflections on our Lent Imagery, Week Two, The Stoning of Saint Stephen by Rembrandt

16th March, 5.40pm & 17th March, 4.00pm

This year, our Lenten offering is enhanced with reflection upon some famous pieces of Art. Join us in the Chancel area for a short reflection led by Mark Brown, this week upon The Stoning of Saint Stephen by Rembrandt.

Going Deeper… in God’s Word, A Bible Study - Holy Week Pilgrimage Series (Session Two)

19th March, 11.30am

In Lent, our regular Wednesday morning Bible study at All Saints will take the form of a five session “Holy Week Pilgrimage”, beginning on Ash Wednesday and running up to Palm Sunday.

For more information, click the button below…

CONNECTIONS, Faith in Policing, A Lecture by The Revd Canon Dr. Alan Billings

19th March, 7.30pm

How can we hold onto God’s word as a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths in the tough parts of our national and local lives? With a long career in policing and an ordained minister, we are delighted and privileged to share some time with Alan.

Reflections on our Lent Imagery, Week Three, Be Calm by Sieger Koder

23rd March, 5.40pm & 24th March, 4.00pm

This year, our Lenten offering is enhanced with reflection upon some famous pieces of Art. Join us in the Chancel area for a short reflection led by Mark Brown, this week upon Be Calm by Sieger Koder.

Going Deeper… in God’s Word, A Bible Study - Holy Week Pilgrimage Series (Session Three)

26th March, 11.30am

In Lent, our regular Wednesday morning Bible study at All Saints will take the form of a five session “Holy Week Pilgrimage”, beginning on Ash Wednesday and running up to Palm Sunday.

For more information, click the button below…

Reflections on our Lent Imagery, Week Four, The Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio

30th March, 5.40pm & 31st March, 4.00pm

This year, our Lenten offering is enhanced with reflection upon some famous pieces of Art. Join us in the Chancel area for a short reflection led by Mark Brown, this week upon The Supper at Emmaus by Caravaggio.

Going Deeper… in God’s Word, A Bible Study - Holy Week Pilgrimage Series (Session Four)

2nd April, 11.30am

In Lent, our regular Wednesday morning Bible study at All Saints will take the form of a five session “Holy Week Pilgrimage”, beginning on Ash Wednesday and running up to Palm Sunday.

For more information, click the button below…

Reflections on our Lent Imagery, Week Five, The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt

6th April, 5.40pm & 7th April, 4.00pm

This year, our Lenten offering is enhanced with reflection upon some famous pieces of Art. Join us in the Chancel area for a short reflection led by Mark Brown, this week upon The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt.

CONNECTIONS, The Bishop of Sheffield: The Rt. Revd Dr. Pete Wilcox

8th April, 7.30pm

The Bishop of Sheffield leads us in a reflection of Pslam 22. Focusing on the suffering of Christ, the evening will have a lecture format from our own Bishop, whose Bible teaching is greatly respected in our Diocese. There will be a time for questions and reflections afterwards.

Going Deeper… in God’s Word, A Bible Study - Holy Week Pilgrimage Series (Session Five)

9th April, 11.30am

In Lent, our regular Wednesday morning Bible study at All Saints will take the form of a five session “Holy Week Pilgrimage”, beginning on Ash Wednesday and running up to Palm Sunday.

For more information, click the button below…

HOLY WEEK, Palm Sunday

13th April, 11.00am

Join us for a short Palm Sunday service, followed by free donkey rides for all children and bacon sandwiches for all! An ideal service to invite families to.

HOLY WEEK, Maundy Thursday

17th April, 7.30pm

Join us for this special occasion as we enjoy a bring and share dinner together, reflect with scripture and song on the Lord’s love shown through the Last Supper and celebrate communion.

HOLY WEEK, Good Friday

18th April, 10.30am

Join us for an all age service, followed by a short walk of witness and the sharing of hot cross buns in the Church Halls.

HOLY WEEK, Good Friday, Three Hours at the Cross

18th April, 12.00-3.00pm

12.00-2.00pm, The Seven Last Words of Christ, in the original style with meditations and silence

2.00-3.00pm, Scriptures, hymns and meditations on the cross

HOLY WEEK, Easter Bach

19th April, 7.30pm

Come and hear reflections on the Easter message through the music of J.S. Bach. An informal evening of instrumental and vocal contributions from members of the church family , including the performance of Bach’s Fifth Brandenburg Concerto and a short spoken reflection.

EASTER SUNDAY, Sunrise Service

20th April, 5.30am

We greet the rising sun (weather dependent!) with a bonfire, prayers and singing - always a popular time for early risers, a time to celebrate before everyone else does. Led by Mark Brown and Simon Oatridge.

EASTER SUNDAY, Holy Communion

20th April, 8.00am

A liturgical service where bread and wine is shared. Led by Steve Holme and Roland Slade.

EASTER SUNDAY, All Age Holy Communion

20th April, 10.30am

Those of all ages unite as we welcome new visitors alongside our regular 9.15 and 11.00 attendees. We join hearts and voices to praise our Risen Lord. All welcome as we share in Holy communion together, all aspects of the service are planned to be accessible to Children. Led by Simon Oatridge and Mark Brown.

EASTER SUNDAY, Songs of Praise

20th April, 6.00pm

An informal time of Praise with teaching on the application to daily life, led by Simon Oatridge and Roland Slade.