John 20: 1-18
17 March - 6pm - Passion Sunday
Luke 22: 14 to 23: 56
17 March - 11am - The Fifth Sunday of Lent - Passion Sunday
Jeremiah 31: 31-34
John 12: 20-33
10 March - 9.15am - The Fourth Sunday of Lent - Mothering Sunday
Exodus 2: 1-10
John 19: 25-27
18 February - 9.15am - The First Sunday of Lent - Loving as God Loves
1 John 3: 11 to 4: 6
John 15: 12-17
14 February - 7pm - Ash Wednesday
Psalm 51
11 February - 11am - The Sunday next before Lent - Living as God's Children
1 John 3: 1-10
21 January - 9.15am - The Third Sunday of Epiphany - Christian Unity
Psalm 103: 1-12
Luke 10: 25-37