From the Churchwardens November 2019

This month begins with Commitment Sunday on 3rd November and this is a good time to consider our journey of faith and the part we play in the life of All Saints.

We have been greatly encouraged by the response to Vision Sunday and the ‘Stewardship & Commitment 2020’ campaign. As Dan reminds us in his sermon, ‘We are called to radical generosity’. Seeing people committing to support the community of All Saints: mission, family, community, outreach, education, and partnerships. Generosity of financial commitment, generosity of time, generosity of resources, generosity of talents and skills, generosity of expertise, generosity of spirit.

Commitment is part of our worship. It is to be celebrated. We make promises, and as a consequence we celebrate anniversaries. We mark the years, we invite family and friends and we consider ourselves blessed. Commitment is not a chore but a recognition of who we are as children of the Living God.

Commitment is a challenge. We give because He gave first. We are not called to a life of ‘comfort’ but a life of ‘challenge’.

Commitment is not an optional extra in the calling that Jesus asked us to follow. We are called to account for all the talents that we have been given. Commitment is more than just handing over money, it is a challenge to our role in mission and community. It is also about being wise with the resources we are given.

The wardens, PCC and staff team are monitoring and, alongside hoped-for increased giving, discerning where costs can be reduced to ‘close the gap’ between income and expenditure.

Throughout November, please would you continue to prayerfully consider your commitment. We would love for everyone to have had a chance to think about their commitment to the ministry and mission of our Church Family.

St Gabriel’s

It is nearly a year since Alistair was licensed as Priest-in-charge of St Gabriel’s and we released and sent a s m a l l t e a m t o accompany him and his family. We are really excited to take this opportunity to share and give thanks for some of what God has been doing since then.

Highlights include:

Summer Holiday Club that saw over 55 children attend. it was a fantastic four days including sports, crafts, an inventor’s workshop, and main sessions of singing songs, playing silly games and an interactive story from Matthew’s Gospel about the life and love of Jesus.

The start of a new fortnightly service called ‘Gather’ - an interactive and informal all-age service exploring life, faith and relationship with Jesus. Breakfast is also included!

A new 9:30am start time every Sunday for the main services.

Development of publicity including a new website, weekly notice sheet and re-designed notice board on Greystones Road.

A new Friday morning toddler group.

New structures of governance included the start of seven new PCC sub-groups to allow the PCC to focus on governance and financial management.

Leading up to Christmas, key events will include Carols in the Greystones on Monday 16th December and a Nativity Service on Christmas Eve. The hope is these will be key opportunities to invite people to a new Alpha course in the new year.

Looking forward the focus will be drawing in families on the fringes, developing discipleship across the church family and starting to re-consider small groups.

Thank you for your on-going support and particularly your prayer. it is greatly felt and appreciated.

Thank You!