From the Associate Vicar

In our morning services in church we are delving into the meaning of our faith with a sermon series looking at the creed. Over the early centuries there were a few creeds formed. They happened when Christians came together and worked out all the things that they could agree on and were central to the faith the professed. They became important because the church was wide and diverse but these words along with scripture were something that held everyone together in the faith.

They have been used to teach the faith – did you have to memorize it when you were confirmed? They give a sense of togetherness as we all stand up and say it with all the other saints around the world and through the ages. I also think they are aspirational statements for those who want to believe or want to hold on to hope when it feels far off. Statements like the creed hold a community of faith wherever we are on our own personal journey of faith.

Famously Leo Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Orthodox church when he admitted he struggled with saying a line of the creed in good conscience. His church couldn’t cope with doubt but I hope we wouldn’t ever be like that. Faith is to be worked out in the context of the church family. I encourage us all as we say these ancient words to fix our eyes on God – to want faith - and to thank God for the gift of faith in our lives.


From the Assistant Minister

“To God’s holy people…the faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” * - this greeting from the Apostle Paul to the Church at Ephesus is a wonderfully encouraging word also to us, in these early days of the New Year.

On Wednesday mornings in January and February we are gathering at 11:30a.m. to study together in Paul’s Letter to this young church fellowship, set in the port city of Ephesus, on the west coast of Aisa. In the Letter we ill learn of the new life in Christ, of our witness to Christ in the face of challenge and unbelief and of the new society of church fellowship, which flows from our shared faith.

Pick up a flyer in the Welcome Area for more details. If you cannot manage all the dates, just come when you are able. Each session can stand alone as an opportunity for fellowship, study and growth in your knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do join us if you can.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” **


*Ephesians 1:1-2 – Holy Bible, New International Version® Anglicized, NIV® Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

*Ephesians 6:10

From the Curate

As we begin 2025, I wonder if you’ve made any new year’s resolutions? May I encourage you to consider who to invite along to Alpha as we begin on Thursday evenings from 23rd January, and Tuesday mornings from 28th January. Alpha is a series of group conversations with food, film, and discussion, to explore God, life and meaning. Is there a friend, family member, neighbour, or colleague you could invite, and come along with? If you are in the process of working out what you think about faith, Alpha is the ideal way for you and others to find out more. To sign up, please email or fill in the Alpha sign up sheet in the welcome area.

Today our 9.15 and 11am services begin a new sermon series by focusing on the ancient summaries of the Christian faith as found in the Nicene Creed (for 9.15) and Apostles’ Creed (for 11am service). It’s a chance for us all to go deeper in our faith, to know and love our God more. Please look out for the range of resources in the notices to explore each creed alongside the sermons that will be available from next week.

Wishing you all a blessed new year,

Simon Oatridge

From the Treasurer

The last of the “from the….” slots for 2024 was given to the Treasurer to coincide with financial year end. I shall be spending quite a bit of January and February preparing the annual accounts and trustees’ report for 2024. Will they reflect that as a church family we put into practice our verse for the year: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6-7)? They will certainly reflect the financial generosity of the church family.  Thank you again to all who were able to respond positively to the stewardship appeal. I also believe expenditure will reflect our many activities as we have sought to share the good news of Jesus and to care for those in our local community and beyond. Details will come at the APCM.

January is always an exceptionally busy month for the finance team as we not only “close down” the old year but open up lots of new spreadsheets and start to populate the financial ledger for a new year.  January 2025 will also be a time of change as we welcome Beverley McComb and say farewell to Rachel Dixon after 3-years of great service as Finance Officer.  Please join me in praying for the whole finance team at this time, as well as for God to continue to bless the activities and finances of All Saints Ecclesall.

With all good wishes to everyone for 2025,

Julia Newton

From the Vicar

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the staff team may I express our thanks for your good will gestures and support over the Advent season. We have sensed your prayers for us and the many volunteers who have shared their skills and gifts with us. We pray that our Church family might continue to be welcoming, adventurous and caring as we celebrate the birth of the one who came not to be served but to serve. This time of year sees occasions of great celebration, rest and anticipation for what 2025 will hold. May our unity together increasingly hold out the gospel of God’s love to a world often divided by tensions in homes, neighbourhoods and countries.

I shall be presiding and preaching at Holy Communion on Wednesday 1st Jan 2025 at 10:30 if you want to commit the shortly to be here New Year to the Lord.

Emmanuel God is with us.


From the Wardens

December is an especially busy but enjoyable time for the churchwardens with all the special services, interspersed with lighted candles and fire risk assessments, along with all the other general wardens tasks.

The month has started with some wonderful events such as Women’s Wreath Making, and The Christmas Experience. In addition, I am pleased to report that following the work of a small team of volunteers and clergy, All Saints has achieved a Bronze Eco Church Award. In addition, of the five required categories we were silver in two, and so the next stage will be to achieve Silver in the other three areas. There are numerous ways we can do this, and it doesn’t mean just by turning the heating off, but often simple things such as ensuring lights are switched off when no longer needed, using Fair Trade products, closing doors to keep heat in, and supporting local food banks. More about the Silver Award and how to become involved will be announced in the new year.

‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it’. Genesis 2:15

Richard on behalf of Rob, Lynne and Alan (The Wardens)

From the Staff Team

We appreciate greatly the support for our new ventures this year and are truly humbled by how many people have responded to help with the Christmas Experience. Our new service at 3pm this Sunday afternoon ‘Christmas can be Difficult’ will need prayer and sensitivity. You are welcome to come and to invite others for whom this might be helpful.

Today we provide for you opportunities to join in Carol singing in various places around our local community. These have been asked for by them for us to serve them. Please get the leaflet and let us know if you want to join us.

And finally - thank you to the behind the scenes team for enabling an upgraded audio visual system. Thank you for your patience as we future-proof All Saints for the next few years! Carpets and decoration/repairs are next!

Advent greetings,

Mark Brown, of behalf of the Staff Team

From the Associate Vicar

It has been almost a month since we started hearing Mariah Carey Christmas songs in shops and on the radio so advent must finally be upon us!

Advent is a season of preparation and is always worth taking note of before the inevitable busyness of December takes hold. But why wait for something that you will know will happen anyway? I think that I personally enjoy anything more that I have been excited about for weeks, even simple things like eating my favourite food or going to a particular place are elevated by anticipation. It’s the same with advent and Christmas!

The other strand of advent is that God who was able to come to earth and live among us will come again. We will meet God and our confidence is simple. God said he would come and live among us which he did in Jesus. He also said he would come again and we can be equally confident in his goodness and return.