From the Churchwardens December 2019

Advent: a season of expectation and preparation

Advent marks the beginning of the season of expectation and preparation in the life of All Saints. As we consider the disciplines of patience and hopefulness, we look forward to celebrate the coming of Jesus in the Christmas Story and His coming again to restore all things.

This is very much a season of promises. Politicians are busy painting a picture of a more hopeful country as they attempt to persuade us that in exchange for our votes they will deliver all they have promised on the campaign trail. Shops sell us a picture of a perfect Christmas, if we would just buy the right things, create the right mood, and, unleash our ‘inner Delia’ and cook the perfect meal. It is all too easy to get distracted by the sideshow and forget the main event.

Two of the more forgotten characters in the Christmas Story are Simeon and Anna. Their lives of patience and expectation were rewarded as they held the baby Jesus in their arms and witnessed all that their hopes had prepared for. As Bach’s beautiful Cantata on the words of Simeon state ‘Ich habe genug’... ‘I have enough’.

There is a wonderful programme of services and events to look forward to at All Saints this Advent and Christmas season to help us to prepare and grasp with eager anticipation the conviction that in Jesus we ‘have enough’. Please invite family, friends and colleagues to join with us and may we reflect the welcome that God has extended to us to all who enter our doors.

As we look forward, we anticipate with hopefulness being able to appoint a new vicar. A significant meeting of the PCC, chaired by the Archdeacon and attended by others from the diocese, is due to take place on 5th December.

In the New Year, the Parish Representatives: Alison Fletcher and Michael Gordon will introduce themselves and update the church family at all four Sunday services.

Please continue to pray for our church throughout this period of Vacancy.

On behalf of the wardens, PCC and staff team we wish you a joyous Christmas.