From the Curate

Alpha in 2023 – Who will you pray for? Who will you invite?

In the next few weeks, over a thousand people will walk through our church doors to attend Christmas Carol services. This will include family members, friends, neighbours, and work colleagues who don’t normally come to church. At the start of 2023, we want to provide an opportunity for every guest who comes over the Christmas season to explore life, faith, and meaning.

This is why we are beginning Alpha in January. Alpha is a 10-week course exploring the Christian faith in a relaxed and friendly environment. Each session begins with food and a short film about an aspect of Christianity. There’s plenty of time to discuss, ask questions, and listen to others. It’s a free and fun way for people of any background or belief to explore the good news of Jesus. We are offering Alpha at two different times, in the hope that more guests will be able to come. The idea is that you come along, with those you have invited, on whichever Alpha is most suitable in the new year. Roland is leading Alpha on Wednesday evenings, 7:30-10:00pm from 11th January, and Simon is leading a daytime Alpha on Thursday afternoons, 1:00-3:00 from 12th January.

At all services today we are encouraging the whole church to pray for God to be at work in those we know, so that they may come to know him. Please be praying for three people you would like to invite on Alpha and come to faith.

If you would like to help out at either course, by leading a discussion group, being part of the hospitality team, or helping with the administration, please email

If you are in the process of working out what you think about faith, Alpha is the ideal way to find out more. To sign up to one of the courses please email

May God use us all to help others find God for themselves.

Simon Oatridge