From the Vicarage

Easter faith and for living and sharing

Dear friends,

Before we look forward to the many occasions to be prompted to share and live our Easter faith that the family of All Saints is providing for its members and local community in the future, let me pause and look back to the wonderful time of celebrations enjoyed by many to celebrate our Easter faith. Buns, Bonfires, Beasts of burden (the donkey), blessings through connections and meditations, bring and share eucharists, bouquets of flowers, bumper choirs, service sheets and video clips - the list of brilliant teams and volunteers goes on. Simply and sincerely to say thank you to the many who worked so hard. Christ is Risen and always will be and we are so grateful that many of our members worked hard with their various teams. On behalf of the staff team and PCC can I say thank you!

Fall forward is one of my favourite phrases. ‘So, if things don’t go well and we need to fall forward, is the message clear?’ If we have been given much, then going forward with Easter joy and conviction will surely give us even greater momentum going into the future. So please don’t miss out. Pray, think, invite, share, and join with these many goodies for us and our community and friends to come to. Raise a hand and let us know if you would like to help but of course please pray for the teams working on these things.

Going forward these post Easter events are for you and others to share and be encouraged to live out our Easter faith. In addition to the informal socials being hosted in the Vicarage garden and the signature events in the boxes below, I am always open to attend any informal garden parties or happenings you are privately hosting either just be present as your Vicar or to commend Christ in word and prayer. ( I really like doing these sorts of things so the offer is there!! )

Yours in His service

The Revd Canon Mark Brown

Upcoming Signature Events

ASCENSION DAY SERVICE, 7:30pm Thursday 26 May

Mark is leading a service of Praise which Alistair is speaking at with members of St Gabriel’s joining us to pray together for our local community and mission partnership.


HEALING SERVICE at 6pm on 15 May and 17 July A safe space to receive prayer with the anointing of oil – a reflective time which Mark is leading with a trusted team to pray for yourself and any invited guests. More details to follow verbally in the church notices about the relaxed, informal format of these services so you can feel safe to invite others along too.

REVD ROLAND SLADE LICENSING SERVICE You are invited to the Licensing Service of our new Associate Vicar Revd Roland Slade on Wednesday 29 June at 7:30pm in Church. If you are planning on attending please sign up via the featured events page of the website or by calling the office to book your place