From the Curate

On Harvest Sunday we celebrate God’s abundant goodness to us in its many and varied forms. Today is an annual reminder of all that God gives to us, and an opportunity to give joyfully out of the generosity that God has shown to us. Our gifts will be going to a variety of local charities including The Oakes, Gold Digger, Roundabout, The Grace Food Bank and The Archer Project.

Across the Scriptures, the term harvest appears 111 times and has a rich meaning. It encompasses God’s faithfulness to his creation, the call to celebrate his goodness, and to give generously. Jesus famously said that ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few’ (Matthew 9.37). This reminds us of God’s purpose to bless all people with his abundant love so that we may live life to the full and be fruitful in his service.

For church family members, today also marks the beginning of our financial stewardship appeal for 2025. In the coming weeks we will celebrate all that God is doing in and through our church, and prayerfully consider how we can continue to play our part through our financial giving. Please check your emails, the Stewardship Sunday page on the church website or collect a Stewardship letter from the welcome area for more details.

With thanks,

Simon Oatridge