From the Vicar

Dear Friends

People come to church for many reasons they stay for only one – they make friends.

Of course there are bound to be exceptions to truisms like this but it worth reflecting and giving thanks to God for those who have felt led to join us at All Saints in recent months and years. Welcoming their presence and gifts is an honour and privilege. It brings with it too a relatively easy challenge to respond to in love, in conversation and accommodation to their wishes and welcome input. We might be familiar with people, places and ways of doing things “around here”, they might not be. We might have our friendship groups already filled but of course they might not. There are many signs of encouragement, including: people joining small groups ( - we are praying for more); being honest and asking for practical help (thank you for the growing team who respond); and offering to assist with many emerging outreach events and fixtures (Experience Christmas for example).

May I encourage us all to be on the lookout for visitors and make use of our welcome pack and notice sheets (to pass onto them), to circulate and converse over coffee perhaps in church to liberate space in the welcome area, helping those new to appreciate the variety of ways we can give financially, serve practically (we always need volunteers) and pray widely (for our many mission partners). May we be an increasingly friendly and welcoming church as indeed many sense is already the case – thanks be to God for those he is calling to join us.

Yours in Christ,
