From the Curate

For many of us, September is a time of new beginnings. Children begin a new year at school, our older youth begin university soon. For some, our regular work or social routines return after pausing briefly over the summer. In our church life together, many of our activities begin again: Monday drop in, Thursday Open Door, our range of small groups, and toddlers - to name but a few.

In our 9.15 and 11am services over the next four weeks, we will hear the remarkable Old Testament story of Ruth, whose own new beginnings involved a new country, new family, and new faith. She, like us, would have known the joys and challenges of new beginnings: the sense of uncertainty, anxiety, and excitement. In her own new beginnings, she declares one of the great affirmations of faith in found Scripture: ‘your people will be my people, and your God my God’ (Ruth 1.16).

As the chapters unfold, God’s steadfast love and providential guiding lead to redemption and blessing not only for Ruth, but for the whole world – including us. If you would like to explore more as our sermon series begins, this is a brilliant 7 minute video produced by the Bible Project Book of Ruth Summary | Watch an Overview Video (