From the Wardens

As you may have noticed there have been a number of changes to the seating arrangement in church. Following on from the recent Strategy Review the wardens have been looking at ways of improving the utilisation of the chairs at All Saints. The less formal positioning of sofas and chairs towards the back of the nave has proved very popular, which has spurred us on to look at other areas. Setting the chairs in the west transept at an angle improves their usability and aesthetic appearance, also changes have been made to instrument storage and choir seating in the east transept. The work is ongoing and, fortunately, we are blessed with a versatile seating system, so please watch this space!

Next Sunday sees the start of the Sheffield Half Marathon, and we still require more volunteers to man the water stations on Ecclesall Road. Volunteers are vital to our church, and there is a need for help in a number of areas, thereby sharing the responsibility with others. This also applies to the role of churchwarden where four members of the congregation mutually support and encourage each other, principally dealing with the governance of our church on behalf of the church family. It’s quite a privilege to be a churchwarden because of the fascinating overview the role gives of the workings of church, and I would seriously consider taking on the role if you are ever asked.

‘Let all that you do be done in love.’ - Corinthians 16:14.

Richard on behalf of Rob, Lynne and Alan (the Wardens)