From the Vicarage

Stewardship Sunday October 16th, 2022.

“The Lord loves a cheerful giver”! 2Corinthians 9:6b

So, the Scriptures remind us. It is not just the Lord, I reflect growing congregations and communities are often places of joy. I was not surprised to hear of one Christian community experiencing significant growth such that members of the local community could hear laughter and happiness spilling out of the windows and open doors of the church down the High Street !!! Laughter is infectious and so too is the Lord’s love once it is discovered and lived. This Sunday, alongside the necessary and important communication about the financial needs of All Saints for the year ahead, we will be sharing some of the ways we are seeking to grow God’s church and enjoy a Christian community that flourishes for the sake of others, at each of our four services this Sunday. There will be various teams stationed around the church building encouraging your prayers and support for the work we believe God has called us to at this time. There will be time and space to reflect, converse and respond if you feel able. 

I, the staff team and PCC are very aware of the financial and time pressures that many people are facing today, including anxiety over energy costs and the cost of living crisis. We are particularly concerned to know, confidentially, of any who are in particular need and may need practical support. There is an emerging route to respond, in the Lord’s love, to any who are drawn to our attention. To exercise responsibility and commitment back to God for His generous love, seen in so many ways, we are looking to be faithful to how we believe God is calling us. I hope this Sunday and every Sunday at All Saints will be marked by a sense of a happy response to all that God is calling us to, in obedience. 

Thank you for your consideration of the important financial paperwork (available by clicking on this link) and our renewed efforts to serve others. Thank you for reflecting on how best you can serve with your time, talents and financial resources, in keeping with God’s call upon your lives.

With gratitude for your partnership in the Lord’s work

Mark Brown

“My God will supply all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19

From the Children's Minister

As we celebrate harvest this weekend and give thanks for God's good gifts to us, I am mindful to think about some of the good gifts and things to thank God for that have been happening in the children's ministry over the last month. 

To give thanks for the children who come regularly to our 11am service and the opportunity to teach them using the book of Daniel. For the children who came to Messy Church in September because they came to Holiday Club and the children who told me they were sad not to be able to come as they were visiting family. For the re-start of the Christian Union at Ecclesall Primary and the two upcoming harvest services with Clifford All Saints and their families. For the 81 toddlers and babies, with their accompanying adults, who came to Toddlers and Baby group this week alone and over 100 who have come since the start of September. For the opportunity to visit the Brownies and Guides and to welcome the Rainbows to explore the church with me in a couple of weeks’ time. For Light Party at the end of this month and for all the volunteers who make all these things happen. There is so much to give thanks and praise for. 

Next week, during all our Sunday services, we will be sharing many areas where you can volunteer your time and skills. I really encourage you to ask God to show you where He wants to use you.  Without people giving their time, support or help there would be so many missed opportunities to share the love of Christ with those in our community and there are so many more people we want to reach.

Rosie Blackett


From the Treasurer

Much has happened at church, in our country and further afield since I presented my Treasurer's report to the APCM in May. A question some members have been interested in, or concerned about, to stop and ask me, perhaps as consideration is given to household finances is; what is the impact on our church family finances?  I'll be providing an answer in two weeks time on Stewardship Sunday, as we look to our finances for 2023.

We should celebrate:

  • We have welcomed 9 new / replacement staff to our ministry and operations team since January; all integral to supporting and growing our activities. This means that all staff posts currently approved by PCC are filled. We need to budget accordingly in 2023.

  • The scaffolding has come and gone around church, signifying that the major work and spend to make our beautiful building watertight is virtually complete.  It does mean we need to replenish our Estates Fund for the next phase of internal work.

  • PCC has approved increases in our charitable (missional) giving, allowing us to provide more funding to support church families across the Diocese and to our mission partners. We would like to increase this further in 2023.

All of this is only possible due to the generosity of the church family. Our giving provides around 90% of church funding.  Each and every contribution is valued.  Let us give thanks to God for His generosity as we continue to journey together.

Julia Newton.

From the Wardens

In Hebrews 13:8, we read these very comforting words ”Jesus Christ is the same , yesterday and forever “.

This is a season of change for us all in so many different ways . We all cope with change in our own unique way - some will thrive and relish change, others simply dread it and many are somewhere in between.

We have seen change in a multitude of ways over the past few weeks. We now have a new King to pray for and support instead of a much loved and inspiring Queen, we have new staff here on our church staff team, the seasons have changed and we now have autumn to enjoy and savour and of course for many of our children and  young people they have changes classes , schools or even where they live as they continue their studies .

It is good to reflect therefore that the basics of our faith do not change, our mission to serve our community and introduce them to Jesus hasn’t changed and crucially Jesus Christ is still the same and He calls each one of us to deepen our relationship with Him .

We all join in prayer for those professing their faith at Sunday’s Confirmation Service on 25th October.

As we move through autumn with a busy church programme, we do hope you will feel able to both join in and contribute to the life of All Saints. There are innumerable ways to be involved and by doing so we encourage each other and grow as followers of the one who is steadfast and firm.

Alison, Richard & Sue.

From the Vicar

Dear Friends,

“I urge first of all that requests, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for Kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Saviour 1 Timothy 2:1-3”

Just over a week ago, none of us envisaged we would be on the eve of a Bank Holiday and be sharing with many parts of the world in the funeral service of our late Queen, Elizabeth II. How then can we be praying in a way that pleases God, for this is what the verse from Timothy indicates is the route to pleasing the Saviour of the world – by prayer.

For our Royal Family once more in the public gaze but never more so than tomorrow: May their inner lives be held and cherished amidst all that is so visible and public. For the new King and new Government leaders in our day: History might well have been perceived to standstill and we might gain a Bank Holiday but the energy bills and global insecurities still leave a harsh reality of world in need of good leadership from leaders. May they transmit peace and help to those who struggle.

For those in authority: Christians according to the Lord’s own promise are those who have authority – yes Royal authority from the King Himself – Jesus. All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to me, therefore go and make disciples of all nations. Who can we be praying for? Who can we be speaking of Christ to? How can His gifts given to us be used? Unless we action we disrespect the authority Christ has given us His subjects. May indeed we pray for ourselves to be those under the authority of the King to seek His lasting Kingdom when we are so visibly surrounded by the transitory nature of the kingdoms and powers of this current age.

I trust our increasing visitors will feel welcome to our Sunday services. All will be respectfully conducted with reference to dress, in prayers, in thoughtful comment and hope for the unique days we share in. I am grateful for the All Saints family with its various teams for responding so thoughtfully to make our services accessible to visitors. We have produced a pack that will be available to share with them.

With my prayers for your own lives and homes,

Mark Brown


In Remembrance of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The All Saints Family remember with many others and with great thanksgiving the life and reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Her death on September 8th has come as a shock to us all but along with our sadness and prayers for her family we recall with gratitude her Christian faith and unswerving sense of duty and loyalty to her many roles on behalf of us all.

As we give thanks for her life and witness so too we offer care, support and guidance to those who will be seeking a place to reflect and pause because of all she has meant to so many. May we point them to the eternal sovereign care of the Lord  himself. This is I believe what she would wish us to do.

Our church will be open for visitors to pray and reflect in the days ahead. Our queen has died, long live the King and may King Jesus Himself be our rock and stay during these times of change

The Revd Canon Mark Brown

From the Operations Manager

The past few months have seen a number of challenging activities cross my desk, ranging from inquisitive Badgers to complex tree management to milk deliveries, all of which have enabled me to learn something new! In amongst all of this we completed the COVID delayed QI inspection of the church and are pleased to report that the considerable investment, care and attention given to the church by you its congregation has resulted in a very positive report.

As with all buildings of this age, usage and structure we will always have need for an ongoing management plan and there are some areas that will need further investment but generally we are custodians of a very well kept and maintained building and grounds.

Things you may notice over the coming weeks; some considerable activity on three trees in the churchyard suffering from ash dieback, this represents the start of a longer term tree management plan, and the removal of the water damaged plaster in the church, leaving exposed brick for a period of up to 12 months to allow the surface to properly dry out before we re-plaster.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions or concerns about the Estate or anything Operations related, I would be more than happy to chat.

Stephanie Osman

From the Vicarage

Perhaps this should be from the Vicar soon to be (!). The marker of the licensing date does provide an opportunity to look back a few months and express my thanks to God and His people for the way His hand has been with us. Let me also venture to look forward and using one of the three important “S’s” mentioned at the last APCM, namely “what do you see that God wants to do in the future”.

Looking back. We thank God for the people who have prayed, flexed and advised through many staff changes, limbering up out of covid restrictions and those seeking prayerfully to try out some new ways of community outreach. The wardens and finance team have been my closest confidants along with some new emerging music making teams for Sunday worship. I am especially thrilled to see new lay people having a go at leading and preaching at our services and re engaging in leading church groups and activities. Whilst numbers are not everything I note with interest six new members of PCC three last time and three this time. It gives me hope that when there is a tap on the shoulder or a shout out from the front the Lord’s people will respond. So to….

Looking forward (!) Friendly fellowship in Christ might be one. People come to church for many reasons but they stay for only one – they make friends. All Saints has an enormous capacity in this regard and an impressive track record so let us pray it continues. Every member ministry. Each person does have a part to play – some are perhaps too confident others not confident enough and all this needs encouragement and praying with boldness and sensitivity into so that each person in Christ discovers their calling and vocation. What is often missed and poorly articulated is the sense that using our gifts is not so much about our volunteering or doing jobs or even helping out but simply that allowing our gifts to be used. Churches work well when gifts are used and shared. Their members find in doing this renewal and spiritual vitality. We are members one of another so our gifts will be better used when other peoples are. I am praying that there will be a cascade of gifts and their respected us in our midst in the months and years ahead.

Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers and the privileged in Christ of being your Vicar !

Yours in Christ,

Mark Brown