Dear Friends,
“I urge first of all that requests, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for Kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Saviour 1 Timothy 2:1-3”
Just over a week ago, none of us envisaged we would be on the eve of a Bank Holiday and be sharing with many parts of the world in the funeral service of our late Queen, Elizabeth II. How then can we be praying in a way that pleases God, for this is what the verse from Timothy indicates is the route to pleasing the Saviour of the world – by prayer.
For our Royal Family once more in the public gaze but never more so than tomorrow: May their inner lives be held and cherished amidst all that is so visible and public. For the new King and new Government leaders in our day: History might well have been perceived to standstill and we might gain a Bank Holiday but the energy bills and global insecurities still leave a harsh reality of world in need of good leadership from leaders. May they transmit peace and help to those who struggle.
For those in authority: Christians according to the Lord’s own promise are those who have authority – yes Royal authority from the King Himself – Jesus. All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to me, therefore go and make disciples of all nations. Who can we be praying for? Who can we be speaking of Christ to? How can His gifts given to us be used? Unless we action we disrespect the authority Christ has given us His subjects. May indeed we pray for ourselves to be those under the authority of the King to seek His lasting Kingdom when we are so visibly surrounded by the transitory nature of the kingdoms and powers of this current age.
I trust our increasing visitors will feel welcome to our Sunday services. All will be respectfully conducted with reference to dress, in prayers, in thoughtful comment and hope for the unique days we share in. I am grateful for the All Saints family with its various teams for responding so thoughtfully to make our services accessible to visitors. We have produced a pack that will be available to share with them.
With my prayers for your own lives and homes,
Mark Brown