From the Churchwardens February 2020

Be Amazed!

So, here we are in February already! The lights, the decorations and the Christmas celebrations are all behind us. The Epiphany kings have come and gone with the Star. Settling back into ‘routine’ again in early January can be something of a relief. All is dark, all is quiet, even drab and dreary, but February beckons. When we look, we can see green shoots thrusting through the brown rotting leaves and the delicate heads of Snowdrops daring to appear. These signs of new life and hope that have lain hidden are now out in the open. The bulbs planted in faith months ago have flowered! It never ceases to amaze! It’s easy to take this as an analogy of our situation in a Vacancy, as we await a ‘green light’ from the Diocese allowing us to advertise for a new incumbent. As Alison Fletcher and Michael Gordon, our Parish representatives, so carefully explained in their letter which they read out at all the services during one week in January, what we can do for now is ‘to commit to praying during this season of waiting’ and to trust ‘that it will be a very hopeful and positive time, as opposed to one of frustration.’ We need to prepare to be amazed! ‘Jesus was Amazed’ at the Centurion’s faith! Alistair highlighted this in one of the recent 6pm service series ‘Stories of the Faith’. Looking at different aspects of faith displayed by lesser known New Testament characters, combined with testimonies from within our congregation of how their faith has impacted on their lives, is both uplifting and inspiring to hear just now. It reflects on how we need to be willing to be open and receptive to hearing from God, in all the ways that are possible. Answers and help may come from the least expected sources and lead in the most unexpected directions, if we are willing to be amazed.