From the Vicar

Dear Friends,

Bible Sunday will be marked at all services this coming Sunday and it is a healthy reminder to thank God for our written scriptures and the guide they are for faith and life. Western society, its art and its literature are steeped in the Biblical narratives. It was always a fascination to me to be approached by students in higher education studying English literature or Art and to be asked for an overview or introduction to basic biblical theology.

Sadly, much in contemporary life and in education has drifted seemingly imperceptibly way from Biblical truth so that when the stories that undergird much of our English literature or Art come to be studied it is the Bible that needs to be read as a background. We thank God that there are bibles in our churches and places where we sit, may they be read, taught, understood and lived. May we be those that find through the written word that the Living word Himself, Jesus Christ will be with us.

Do pray for those who preach and teach week by week and our many small groups who study the scriptures in people’s homes. (I shall be meeting with the leaders of these groups with Roland on November 3rd 7:30pm in church, please come if you share in leadership in anyway)

I commend our memorial service next week at 3pm to your prayers that our visitors will find comfort through our prayers and scriptural reflections.

I commend to you all our prayer meeting Thursday November 24th 7:30pm to which I am inviting our many leaders for a conversation about how we can work together with renewed focus as our new team brings ideas and a commitment to support you in your various roles and ministries

I am grateful for your partnership in the ministry and especially for your active response to stewardship Sunday. Join me please in spreading the word around that many can respond and be involved.

Yours in Christ

Mark Brown