Dear Friends,
“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift” – so writes Paul at the end of a piece of writing reflecting upon God’s generosity. Grace and gift that is overwhelming even rendering one speechless – it is indescribable. So followers of Christ with the necessary time and space to reflect will become aware of God’s grace, goodness and generosity that comes to us undeserved and often unasked for.
As we enter an extended time of reflection on the great historic events of our faith that make up Holy Week may we find many anchor points from the historical acts of God that lead to an awareness of God’s grace in our lives. I am praying for us all that others might see us as a gift to them. That our Church family of All Saints might find out how it can express the gift of its life together as a gift to our local community and many networks. God has come to us in the past in Christ and by the power of His Spirit comes to us in gift and grace today. May others say “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift” because of us and our fresh discovery of God’s grace this Easter time.
Yours in His service