From the Vicarage — All Saints Ecclesall

From the Vicarage

Happy Easter to our church family and local community. We would like to thank all of the volunteers who have supported services and events during Lent and Easter this year. As always we are grateful for your time and efforts.


I have now left my role in the church office as Church Administrator.

I have been blessed over the past 6 years with fantastic support from colleagues and volunteers from the church family. There are too many people to name but I am grateful to everyone who has made my job easier, whether it is by responding to a (often last minute!) call for help, by quietly “getting on with things” or with words of kindness and encouragement. Finally I am thankful for prayers for me throughout the last 6 years and now as I start my new role at the Diocese of Sheffield next week. Thank you all!


I am delighted to share with you some dates and news for next term.

Our Annual Meeting is on Wednesday 25 May at 7.30pm in Church. A time to look forward together with hope and purpose. We hope as many as possible can join us for this very important event for the church family.

Evensong for our Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, 6pm on Sunday 5 June.

Wine Tasting Event on Friday 10 June. More details to follow!

Healing Service at 6pm on 15 June. An opportunity for you and anyone that you wish to invite to receive prayer with the anointing of oil.

Our next Lunchtime Concert is on Thursday 14 July. Join us for an organ recital from George Parsons with prayers and reflection from Mark Brown.

May the Risen Christ dwell in our hearts through faith. I shall be delighted to be unpacking more of our wonderful Gospel Message this Sunday. Join us if you can.

With prayers and best wishes for your Easter celebrations.

The Revd Canon Mark Brown