Whilst sitting eating leftover treats from Christmas and thinking about the new Sunday morning sermon series, being a devoted church, I was reminded of how often food or drink plays a central role in our lives with others and how it was central in Jesus’ life too. We see Jesus eating with various people, performing miracles, using parties in His parables and much more.
In our children’s groups each week, we share our news, thanksgivings and prayer requests, as we have a drink and a biscuit. It’s a time we build relationship and learn how we can support one another in prayer. This is something I see mirrored at Toddlers too.
Toddlers is currently flourishing, not only in the practical way we are serving our community but spiritually too. We have seen three families request baptisms and someone sign up to Alpha in the last month alone. The conversations we have over snack time are invaluable as they give opportunity for us to build relationship, offer support and gain insight as to how to pray for people. We long to see more of this but need help to do it.
We’re currently short of volunteers to help make and serve the snacks and so aren’t able to make the most of the opportunities for conversations that God is giving us. If you are able to support us by occasionally coming to make teas and coffees and wash up afterwards, then we would really value your help. If you aren’t able to help then I encourage you to think and pray about who you could show hospitality to instead? Who could you get to know better, support and pray for by sharing food or a drink with?
Rosie Blackett