From the Operations Manager

Hello all,

I am grateful for another opportunity to update you all on the progress being made with a number of estates projects we have underway in and around the church.

Since my last message, we have had approval from the DAC to complete the repair and replacement of new lighting in church, this work is due to start imminently and will improve the lumens on some of the gloomier areas in the building.

The plaque on the side of the tower remains under review as we await input from our architect and stonemason. Tests continue on the internal water damaged plaster. A series of poultices are being applied to see which is the most effective at drawing out the contaminates, the outcome of these trials should hopefully be a definitive product and method that we can use to clean the stonework.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Operations Team, and those volunteers we work closely with, for all of their help, support and diligence in preparing for the Easter services and activities, I am grateful to work with each and every one of them. 

As always, if you have any questions about any of the above, or anything to do with the building or operations of All Saints, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the office.

Many thanks,

Stephanie Osman