My maternal grandfather was a Chartered Accountant and inspired me to become one too! He was Treasurer for his church for 20 years. Roger Manterfield our Giving Treasurer has served in that role, and previously as our Treasurer, in total for over 20 years. I give thanks to God and have huge admiration for their commitment in serving with these responsibilities for such a long time.
I've been the Treasurer for All Saints for 3 years so far. Virtually every week brings a new request or challenge but I feel it is a real privilege to be asked to offer my time, skills and experience to support and advise the PCC in the stewardship of our finances. The statutory accounts for 2022 are complete and audited and await PCC's approval on 9 May. I look forward to providing a summary of the church's finances in my presentation at the APCM on 24 May, helped by some colourful slides! They include comparing 2022 with our finances for the previous 3 years as we journeyed through the Covid pandemic and also look to the future.
Thank you to everyone who contributes to the life of All Saints financially. With over 80% of regular income coming from the church family every £ gifted makes a difference to what we can do as we seek to meet Jesus through the Open Door.
Julia Newton