From the Operations Manager

Hello all,


Since my last update on the Estate at All Saints Ecclesall I am pleased to confirm that all the major lighting repairs and replacements in Church have now been completed! One large barrel light is still missing, high up in the ceiling. This has been removed to allow our lighting contractors to look at ways to retrofit the housing to accommodate LED bulbs, but all other work included as part of this project is now completed. Thank you to all who have kept such a vigilant eye on this process.


We now move on to the south side stained glass windows and are awaiting the outcome of grant applications to remove, repair and replace them to prevent future water ingress.


The plaque on the side of the tower remains under review as we await quotes from a number of sources and subsequent grant applications. A series of poultices have been applied to the internal damaged plaster work to see which is the most effective at drawing out the contaminates, we await the outcome of these trials to enable us to move ahead with the most effective solution.


Within the Ops Team We bid a fond farewell to Tani recently as she handed the reins of PA to the Vicar back to Elaine who we warmly welcome back from maternity leave, and we are thrilled to have Olivia back with us for a few weeks, both in toddlers and the office, while she is on a break from University.


As always thank you to all members of the Operations Team, and those volunteers we work closely with in particular the newly formed Social Committee, for all of their help, support and diligence in preparing for the Coronation service and more recently the Deanery Baptism and Confirmation service, I am grateful to work with each and every one of them. 


As always, if you have any questions about any of the above, or anything to do with the building or operations of All Saints, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the office.


Many Thanks
Stephanie Osman