From the Children’s Minister

I am writing this three days into Holiday Club week and am feeling blessed and full of thanksgiving. God has so faithfully answered our prayers, even the weather has been perfect for us! Seeing the way all the volunteers are serving and the joy and excitement in the children is a wonder. The atmosphere has been wonderful and we’ve had some incredible conversations with some of the children. Monsters Stink was chosen as a theme because when I was praying about what to do this year, I felt a real burden to help equip the children for when they have to face some of the “monsters” of life. With 1:6 children experiencing mental health difficulties, with anxiety being the most common, I wanted to help share the difference knowing Jesus can make but also some of the ways we can look after ourselves and others when we or they are struggling.

Today, we thought about Elijah and how God provided him with water, bread and rest and then gave him a long walk in the outdoors when Elijah wanted to give up. We looked at how God spoke gently to Elijah and reminded him that he was not alone and we talked about the importance of looking for help when we feel low, asking others to pray for us and watching out for others who might be struggling.

Although quite tired, I am excited for what the last couple of days will bring and how God is going to be at work in these precious children. I thank God for each of them and for all the amazing volunteers who have made this week happen.

Rosie Blackett
Children’s Minister