From the Operations Manager

As this will be my last ‘from the’ in the role of Operations Manager, as I will be leaving next Friday, 22nd November, I wanted to take this opportunity to again express my gratitude to all those I have worked with during my time working at All Saints.

The role of Operations Manager means you get to work with everyone in every aspect of Church life from the Sunday services to the finances to the trees and badgers! It is a lot to keep an eye on, but it is made all the more manageable by the amazing volunteers and staff team that All Saints is blessed with.

I have met so many wonderful people through this job, made firm friends and beautiful memories that I will carry with me for years to come (including being levitated!). The experiences I have had will enable to me to embark on a new and exiting role with confidence and passion so once again, I thank you for having me as your Operations Manager and I hope to be back for a visit soon.
