December is an especially busy but enjoyable time for the churchwardens with all the special services, interspersed with lighted candles and fire risk assessments, along with all the other general wardens tasks.
The month has started with some wonderful events such as Women’s Wreath Making, and The Christmas Experience. In addition, I am pleased to report that following the work of a small team of volunteers and clergy, All Saints has achieved a Bronze Eco Church Award. In addition, of the five required categories we were silver in two, and so the next stage will be to achieve Silver in the other three areas. There are numerous ways we can do this, and it doesn’t mean just by turning the heating off, but often simple things such as ensuring lights are switched off when no longer needed, using Fair Trade products, closing doors to keep heat in, and supporting local food banks. More about the Silver Award and how to become involved will be announced in the new year.
‘The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it’. Genesis 2:15
Richard on behalf of Rob, Lynne and Alan (The Wardens)