From the Operations Manager

Hopefully by the time you read this the scaffolding will have come down to reveal our repaired and restored tower plaque monument to Revd George Smith, ‘Assistant Minister of the Parish Church, Sheffield and Curate of this chapel’, and his wife Mary.

The plaque had been pulling away from the tower and causing damage to the surrounding stonework so the team from RM Eaton have spent the past few weeks working diligently to remove, repair and reinstate the plaque to prevent any further movement, make it safe and preserve it for future generations.

You will notice one corner of the plaque is a different colour from the rest, this piece been has carefully chosen and crafted to replace a section that was lost and will, over time, weather to match the rest.  

We have loved having Alice, Katherine and Mark on site, they have been so willing to talk to anyone who has questions and share insights into their highly skilled work, we cannot recommend them enough!

Now this job is done we can focus on the work to upgrade the AV inside Church and preparations for the next Church away day (12th and 13th October, save the date!).

As always, don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to chat anything Estates or Church Operations.

Stephanie Osman