From the Churchwardens: June 2020

Generous June

Generosity has always begun with God. Generosity began in the wondrous creation of the universe, not just in its glory, its complexity, its beauty, and its infinite nature but also in how God knitted it together with love. Genesis 1 tells of how God spoke creation into being, and at its culmination on the 6th day, declared it was very good! Our world belongs to the Creator and we are blessed by His generosity not just in its beauty but that He chooses to share it with us.

As Psalm 24 reminds us: The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world and those who live in it

Through the current COVID-19 crisis, there has been a wonderful outpouring of generosity, in our country, in our community and in our church. It began at the start of lockdown, when people identified those who were vulnerable in their neighbourhood around them. Phone trees and WhatsApp groups ushered in a wave of generosity. People have been generous with time, with money, with care and compassion as shopping has been bought and delivered, phone and zoom calls have been made. Generosity begins with God but it also brings out the best in us.

Yet as the crisis continues, we are going to continue to require generosity. Generosity to the frontline workers who are starting to tire in the marathon tasks and responsibilities they are facing. Generosity to those who are starting to experience the long-term effects of isolation, both physically and mentally. Generosity to children and young people who have lost a special time of their lives to the crisis. Generosity to those who have already started to feel financial pressures upon them and those who are already worried about their jobs and their livelihood. Generosity to organisations like All Saints that are funded through continuous generous giving.

Over the next month, we are going to be engaging with ‘Generous June’, a shared project between Diocese of Sheffield and the Diocese of Winchester. You can find out more at the website: As the website declares on its frontpage – this is a month where we are looking at ‘Understanding God’s Generosity’. Over the next months through our daily reflections and in our Sunday services we are going to be looking at the theme of generosity, beginning with God’s generosity to us. Throughout this month, we will be reading through the Book of Luke. Please do join with us as we see that generosity is at the heart of the Gospel message. We will be hearing from Bishop Pete as well as Bishop David Williams, former curate of this church who was last with us at the Big Church Weekend Away. As we understand more about God’s generosity, our hope is that you will be challenged to think upon the places where you reflect that Divine generosity.

We hope you will be able to celebrate the many ways in which you are being generous already, as well as seeing other places where your generosity is needed too. Dan Christian

Alistair Stevenson

This is not so much as a farewell to Alistair and his family, as they move into the parish next door, but a message of heartfelt thanks. When Alistair arrived, as a fresh-faced enthusiastic, newly-married young man, he set about envisaging a plan for the young people of our church; transforming the work and leading so many young people to Jesus. That passion has never left: as his family grew so did his call to serve God in ordained ministry. Those whom he guided will be forever grateful for the part he played in their own discipleship journey. Houseparties, groups, cafes, sports clubs, small groups, music and worship, even a visit to Tanzania, are examples of his boundless energy and desire to encourage and serve.

Thank-you also to Catherine. Together they have shown unwavering support and love for the church family at All Saints, each playing their own part, and sacrificing family time. St Gabriel’s and the Greystones community will, undoubtedly, be blessed by Alistair’s full-time leadership and ministry; bringing all his talents and time to serving God there, talents and time that we will miss greatly at All Saints. Alistair and Catherine may God bless you and keep you as you continue your ministry to bring other to know the love of Jesus.

David Onac

We’ll be sorry to say ‘good-bye’ to David at the end of this month after two and a half years with us as Director of Choral Music. On the other hand, we’ll be pleased to ‘let him go’ as he leaves All Saints to get married and settle in Manchester. We’ve had the privilege of enjoying his many gifts as a very accomplished musician and composer. Inspired by his own living faith, David has encouraged the choir; has arranged many new settings for them, and organised and contributed to some wonderful festival celebrations, which have uplifted our spirits through praise and worship. Behind the scenes he has re-organised our music resources, including a method of identifying how hymns and songs are chosen for each service. By digitalising over 200 items from All Saints’ extensive music library, he will have left a valuable database which will be easily accessible for future musicians and worship leaders.

Our thanks go to David for his dedication and commitment to All Saints. He has blessed us in so many ways during his time with us, so we send him out now, with our blessings for a richly fulfilling future, as with his new wife Elena he embarks on the next stage of his journey.

All Saints financial update

We want to keep the church family informed as much as possible with updated information about the church finances. We are truly blessed by the giving of so many at All Saints: time, talents, experience, as well as financial. The church family has not received a financial update since the Stewardship Campaign and the brief update in January. A financial update was due to take place at the APCM scheduled for the 20th May. As this has been postponed and the financial position has changed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, Julia Newton, our Deputy Treasurer, has written a paper giving updated information regarding the current financial position. You can access the financial update by clicking here.

Please take time to read through this paper. If you have any comments or questions please contact Julia using the email address: or by ringing the church office on 0114 268 7574 and leaving your name, number and a short message so that Julia can get back to you.