From The Children's Minister

I am writing this three days into Holiday Club week and am full of thanksgiving for the answers to prayers we have had.  I am also excited to see how God is going to continue to be at work in these young lives over the next couple of days.  By the end of the week we will have had 136 children, 17 young people and over 40 volunteers coming together to worship, explore stories about Jesus, pray and have fun!

This year our theme is based on Psalm 34 v 8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him”.  Each day we have explored a part of Jesus’ ministry through food, learning more about who Jesus is, how much He loves us and what difference we can make in the world if we offer back what we have to Him.  We have learnt some new worship songs and look forward to sharing these and all we have been doing at our 11am service on Sunday 18th August and during our picnic.

None of this week would have been possible without our incredible volunteers and so I want finish to say a huge thank you to each of them for giving their time, gifts, energy and talents to serve in this way.  Do keep them and all those who were at our Holiday Club in your prayers.
