From The Treasurer

How have you spent August?  Enjoyed a holiday? Like me, taken pleasure in being in your garden? Completed the summer “to do” list? What was on your list? Clearing out the loft? Catching up on reading the books you have bought? Did the list feature a review of household finances?

If considering your contribution to church finances didn’t feature on your prayer or action list for August, may I encourage you to add this to your autumn list as we head towards our stewardship appeal in October; “Seek the Lord, Serve the Church, Play your Part”.

As Treasurer, I’ve spent time in August forecasting potential financial requirements for 2025 and beyond.  Mark’s “from the Vicar” summer letter gives a good flavour of our wonderfully varied and full life at All Saints. However, new activities and increases in staff and energy costs mean demands on our finances continue to grow! In contrast, the number of households in the pledged giving scheme and the level of regular giving has fallen over the summer. No Treasurer likes this scenario!

Please do join me in praying for a generous response to the stewardship appeal and for new commitments to be made in the weeks ahead.  As our Lord blesses us so generously, may we as His disciples give generously in response as we seek to love and serve Him and our neighbours.

Julia Newton