From The Wardens

As the end of summer approaches and the more regular rhythm of life resumes it is a time to look forward and plan for the next phase in the life of All Saints. We were sad to lose Sue Gill from the warden team but thank her for all she has given over many years with love, diplomacy and great kindness. We will miss her but are very grateful that Richard Blyth has offered to return to the team in her place. This has to be formally approved by the church membership and thus a short extraordinary church meeting will be held on Sunday 29th September towards the end of the 9.15 service to ensure that this reappointment has the support of the church members and complies with the necessary rules and regulations surrounding the appointment of churchwardens.

All Saints is a vibrant, growing church with many opportunities for us to grow in our faith and invite others to hear the message of the Gospel. However, all organisations, however successful, need to review their strategy from time to time. Over recent months we have reworked our Purpose, Aims and Values and we hope you have had sight of this document which has been available in the welcome area over the summer. We are now working on a new strategy and action plan to build on what is already working well and looking for innovative ways to support and grow our church family. As part of this an anonymous questionnaire will become available to all members of the congregation to complete in September that seeks your views on the many aspects of church life at All Saints and the level of interest and support for some possible new initiatives that are being considered. Do please complete this questionnaire so we can get a clearer idea of the make-up of our church family and your opinions and needs so that, as wardens, we can work with the staff team and PCC to provide a church that both supports its congregation and is caring, relevant and welcoming to the wider community both within Ecclesall and beyond.

As Paul says in Philippians: Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it but one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Finally, the team of stewards and welcomers that is essential to the smooth running of our services has diminished in numbers over recent months. We need more volunteers for these roles. If you feel you could possibly help and want to know more about either role, do please speak to one of the warden team. We need you!

Rob Coleman, Richard Blyth, Lynne Bradey, Alan Storey